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Project Description

Aftermath is an interactive experience that shows the consequences of a car crash caused by drunk driving. The experience is designed to bring more awareness to the dangers and often fatal results which drunk driving can create.

Created in Unity 3d, Aftermath was created for a school assignment project which spanned 3 weeks.

This project was made with a multidisciplinary team of 6 people:

- Three artists

- Two designers, of which I was one

- One engineer


Aftermath cinematic trailer

My Contributions

During the 3 weeks working on this project, I worked together with my whole group to create an as immersive experience as we could manage together. As for my part, I mainly worked on the design process and communicating with my other teammates.


My contributions: 

Research: The first part of the Design-Thinking Process. I've researched the problem that we wanted to solve and how to solve said problem. This part also includes the target audience and how we can effectively engage with them.

Ideation: After the research came the ideation, where me and the other designer got together to think of ideas that could reach our target audience while creating a solution for our problem statement. We crafted multiple solutions that ranged from games more dedicated towards fun to more realistic simulations of the problem.

Conceptual level design: As the topic we are discussing was to be taken seriously, we came to the conclusion to craft an "interactive experience" to our target audience for a more mature and serious feel to Aftermath.
Trying to place focus on the horrible consequences drunk driving often holds, we decided to design our product in one 'level' that would be short but powerful to convey the message more effectively. 


UI/UX implementation: After most of my design work was done, I helped out creating the game menu at the start by creating a menu scene in Unity and implementing the art.


Recording foley: Opting to create an as immersive experience as possible, I went to a car scrapyard (by appointment) to record the sound effects regarding everything with the car.

In-game screenshots of Aftermath


Warning: Aftermath contains heavy subject matter that we believe is necessary to show the dangers and horrors of drunk driving. This includes the portrayal of death. If you don't take well to this topic, then please proceed with caution.

Colission art.png

Concept art for Aftermath

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